All My Updates

This page lists all the site updates. These are short posts that describe the events in my life. These posts are frequently added here, but have less content than the blog post or the article pages. I like to post one everyday so that I can go back and check what series of changes for an extended period of time. These site updates also track the progress of various projects. Some of them might contain funny stuff, anything that can entertain the readers of these sites. Hope you enjoy them.


It has been 9 days, I have to write up some updates so that I can track what has happened during this time. First, one bad thing that happened is I crashed "the" big car in the garage. I forgot to close the passenger door and it hit the cabinet. The repair is going to cost me $4500 to repair it.

I went for dental cleaning. That was fine. I had to endure the ultrasound cleaning for 20 minutes. That was OK. Then came the annual health screening. I took two days to eat as little high calorie food as possible. And the LDL for cholesterol is still off the chart. I feel like such a failure. I will do more exercise, starting tomorrow.

The tutorial was submitted. I had to do some re-editing after the submission because I accidentally cut off some text at the very end. Anyways, I should post it here soon. I am thinking of the next tutorial I am going to write. Meanwhile, I have done a lot of work with my Twitter-like application. The editing post part is almost perfect. This type of side work is really a refuge for me from all my real-life problems. I am thinking of the next step for this application. It is going to be fun to get it working, just like I imagined.

I am almost finished with Mass Effect 1 on the Legendary Edition. I have probably two missions to finish. This game is hard to play because it does not give a clear mark of where I have to go. But it is short and gives me the freedom to go where I want to go. It is not bad once I figured out how to configure the weapons and armor for the characters. I like it.

Not Much Happening For the Past 9 Days

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Car Crash Car Repair Health Screening Recent Changes Recent Updates

Recently I took a break from playing video games. I had stomach flu for a few days during the 2023 Easter week. For two nights, I got some terrible heartburn. Then I felt weak for half a day. After I got better, I decided not to play games at night and slept early. And I took this break for two weeks.

For these two weeks, I didn't waste the time, I completed a new tutorial for The tutorial is on how to integrate PDF.js into an AngularJS based application. The integration is pretty easy. It is also a very powerful component. It gave me a good idea for a web site design. I will spent a bit more time on the twitter like application. Then I might start working on this new web application. The new application has a better alignment with my approach on personal data management. It is why I am very interested in this. I had an idea after my personal site is completed. But I halt the development of it after two days because of some un-answered questions. Now, it seems the answers are now available. I might be able to go forward with the development.

Finished Another Tutorial

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: CodeProject Programming Tutorial Recreation Break

They all happened within the week. First, the water pump under the small sink in the parking garage was blocked. Then a few days later, the vanity light in the master bathroom broke. It was Friday, 03/31. I turned on the light, and it was lit for a fraction of a second, then it went out. It was an LED light, so I knew I have to replace it. The water pump was having a problem a few days ago. The only way to fix it was to take the pipe out, clean the pump, and re-attach the pipe.

The pump issue was resolved on 3/31. It was just as I have predicted, once I removed the pipe, and gave the pump a bit of cleaning, it was running as well as before. I did make the mistake of using an adjustable wrench to tighten the screw cap. It got too tight and it cracked. Those caps were supposed to be tightened by hand. So I had to run to Home Depot and get new caps. I bought 6 new ones. Afterward, everything sorted out as I have expected.

The next day, I went to Lowes and bought the same vanity light. I was very glad that I bought a generic brand vanity light. It was still well stocked. But the installation took a lot of energy out of me. First, I had to shut off the electricity to the master bedroom. This also shut off the electricity in the master bathroom. This allowed me to fiddle the wires with my bare hands. There were two screws that fixed the vanity light to the wall. The top one came off easily. The bottom one took a lot of work because the vanity mirror was beneath and I couldn't get the screwdriver in to effectively unscrew. I even lost a screwdriver bit. The broken light came off after the second screw was removed. The new light was wired up without much of a problem. The real problem came when I tried to fix the new light on the wall. I was unable to aim the screw to the hole in the fixture hardware. After half an hour of effort in vain, I took the vanity mirror off the wall. Then I had to loosen the fixture hardware so that the bottom holes could align, finally allowing me to get the screw in. Then the top one was easily screwed in. Then I mounted the vanity mirror. Everything was back to normal after that. Sometimes I liked to take some shortcuts, and it would end up costing me more work. This was one of those times. However, I did save a couple of hundred bucks by doing the fixing myself.

Replace a Vanity Light, Fixed Blocked Water Pump

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Bathroom Vanity Light Home Improvement House Fixing Water Pump

My review of the used Nikon D300 is here.

I have already written a blog post about this. Yet I was too excited to let it go. almost two weeks ago, I was at a convention with my kid and I saw a Nikon D300. It was listed with a low price of $125. And I jumped at the opportunity and bought it. It turned out to be a fantastic buy. It is all thanks to the fact that I have studied how to use Nikon cameras. To maximize the camera usage, I had to buy a new lens, a flash card reader, and several other items.

Waiting on the items delayed by evaluation. I made the configuration changes after the lens arrived. It will make the camera easier to use. I tested all the common functionality which I would use frequently, and all worked as expected. There is some unexpected outcome. First, I found the image sensor has some dirt or smudge. I was able to clean it up. After I turned on the sensor cleaning during shutdown and cleaned it a few times. The dirt spots disappeared. Another issue is the hot pixel at the center of the image. This hot pixel only shows up on certain occasions. It can be easily removed. I am not too concerned about it.

Overall, I was very happy with this purchase. The camera costs $1800 in 2007. I bought it at the inflated price of $125, which is almost the watermelon price for a camera. The camera performs really well in low-light conditions. And all the controls are easy to use. Even though the new camera is bulky and kind of out of style, it is still great equipment.

My review of the used Nikon D300 is here.

Got a New Camera -- Nikon D300

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Bargain Buy Nikon Nikon D300 Used Camera

It has been a while, and I have not put out any updates. There is not much to discuss besides being lazy. I was busy with the tax return. It was effortless to do. And I am getting a larger return this year, which I am very grateful for. It is almost done. I feel much at ease now that I won't need to pay for the owed tax.

The new game Wo Long: Fallen Kingdom is out. This game is what I have much anticipated. But it is too expensive now. I must wait for at least 2 years before I can finally buy it. The game Ghost of Tsushima is at the low price of $19.95 at some time last week. But I don't want to buy it. I finally completed Horizon Zero Dawn in hard combat mode. And the videos are all uploaded. I am currently taking it easy. And I just started playing two old games, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Halo Combat Evolved. They are Xbox 360 games running under Xbox One compatibility mode. They are kind of boring.

I have gain a lot of focus since I finished Horizon Zero Dawn. Right now, I am working on the Twitter replacement app. It is similar to this blog management site, only simpler. I am working on the user management of the posts list. This is the paged list that I recreating for the Angular application. I have made some good progress so far. A Twitter-like application is very complicated. I am only fifteen percent completed. This project is more like a research project I write and learn about. I am having a lot of fun with it.

Finally Completed Horizon Zero Dawn in Hard Mode

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Gaming Horizon Zero Dawn Project Work PS4

I installed a new VM on my Linux PC, which used to host Windows 10 OS. I had to do this in order to get Turbo Tax installed. This is one application that I have to rely on Windows OS. Installing the VM is super easy. And with two monitors I can run the host OS and the VM simultaneously. I can only allocate 4GB of memory to the VM, and Turbo Tax runs fine with such a limited configuration. When running a VM, I can do very little work with the host OS. So, I decided that when I run the VM, I will run nothing else on the host OS.

Installing Turbo Tax is really a painful experience. The base installation is OK. The update installation was also completed with no issues. The real issue comes when I try to validate the product key. For no reason, the application cannot connect to the site to validate the product key. I pinged some familiar sites and the connection is OK. I suspect that there are some bugs in Turbo Tax that prevent Turbo Tax from accessing the product key validation site. I had to reboot the computer twice to resolve this issue and finally got the product key validated. The next step is to copy the old tax file into the VM. VM and the host OS are two separate OSes, I have to create a shared folder to get the files copied. This is done with the Samba file share service. And I did learn some new tricks to allow the Windows VM to connect to the shared folder on the host OS. Once I got Samba working, I was able to transfer the files. I could also install SFTP on the host machine, then access the SFTP from VM. Anyways, I am good with the Turbo Tax now. Next, I have to face the dreadful tax season...

Installed Windows VM for Tax

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Tax Virtual Machine VM Windows

After a week of overtime with spare time, I finally finished the first tutorial for the year 2023. The writing process is a huge improvement in comparison to my past work. Recently I discovered a browser plug-in that can check the words, and provide suggestions for the grammar problems in the sentences. With this tool constantly providing feedback during the writing process, I could write much faster and use words more carefully. It also saves time for me to proofread the work afterward. I guess I just learned a new writing habit, and I am very pleased about it.

The BMW is having issues with parking. I took the car to the new repair shop. After a couple of hours of diagnostics, the manager called and said there was nothing wrong with the parking. It is probably a computer sensor issue. To repair, they must replace the entire shift gear assembly. The cost is about $2200. The repair shop's recommendation is the repair is optional, to which I agreed. Instead, I got the services of flushing the brake fluid and the oil change. I was happy with how it turned out. There will be many things and places that I have to spend money on, so saving a little at every opportunity keeps my mind at ease.

I Finished the 1st Tutorial for 2023

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Car trouble Grammarly Headaches Tutorial Writing

Not much going on recently, I am busy finishing another tutorial. It is the first for the year 2023. The tutorial focuses on loading data in batches so that the page or front-end application can display some data as soon as the most recent data loading completes. And there will be more data available for the front end, as more and more batch loading completes. I got the inspiration from work. It was a problem I tried to solve. I figured if I can get it working during my spare time, then it will be much easier to get it working for my work project. The solution I came up with did work. Once I finish the tutorial, I will try to apply what I learned to the problem I had at work. This is going to be awesome.

I had some car trouble recently. The BMW XI is display a warning of " Secure Vehicle Prevent Rolling". The online resources indicate that there is a spring broken inside the gearbox, which causes the computer not able to determine whether the car is parked or not. I went to one maintenance shop and they couldn't fix it. And they recommended I go to a shop that specializes in fixing BMWs. I made an appointment. We will see how it turned out. It seemed to be an expensive repair. I just built a small amount of emergency cash reserve. It looks like I will lose this cash reserve.

There is not much going on with video gaming. I am playing Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4 slim and making videos on it. I installed almost all my Xbox 360 games on my Xbox One S. I honestly didn't know I could play them on Xbox One -- what a surprise! Now I know, I can play all my favorite titles from the old days. It will be lots of videos to be created and uploaded to YouTube. This is really exciting for me.

Almost 8 Days Without Updates, Bad!

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Car Trouble Tutorial Updates Xbox 360 Gaming

I am happy to report that my issue with my laptop is not an issue at all. The issue I complained about a while back, such as closing the laptop, and the next day, it either black-screened, froze, or shut down for no reason. I thought there is a problem with the system or the display driver. Now that I had some experience with Linux. I believe what I am seeing is a usage issue, not an issue with the system.

I found inspiration from my old laptop. I made my old laptop a remote server at some point. And in order to do that, that laptop cannot shut down. So I had to do some configuration changes with the battery power management. That way, the laptop is always in ready mode. There might still be some issues with my current laptop. It is so subtle that there is no error log and no way of troubleshooting. But if I apply the same configuration on display, it should bypass the issue almost completely.

The trick is to set the display never to be turned off when the laptop is in charging mode. This would avoid the issue where the screen turns black and is unable to wake up. It also solves the issue when the laptop is inactive for an extended period and shuts itself off. Once this simple configuration is applied, my troubles with closing the screen almost disappeared. I have used this configuration for quite a long time. The only downside is that it is always powered on, and not very environmentally friendly. But my issues with closing the laptop lid are not issues anymore. With this type of issue gone, the system is much more robust.

Linux Hibernation Issue Resolved

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Laptop Close Linux Linux Issue OS Suspension

There is not many updates for the past two weeks. The new lunar new year has passed. I did a ton of gameplay and made some videos. When the holiday is over, I decided to go back to my professional life, by cutting down game playing time and doing more development work.

So at the end of last week, I decided to start the research work of loading and displaying data by fetching the data in batches. What I have done so far is create an AngularJS application and the batch loading mechanism. The result has been very promising. Rather than loading a large number of data items at once, I have the mechanism to load the items in smaller quantities for multiple sequential batches. As soon as one batch is ready, it is added to the list for display. What I worried about is that such frequent updates would affect the UI display. It turned out that the delay is minimum, at least when it is used on directive ngRepeat.

The problem I am trying to solve is that when there is a large amount of data records, I like to load them all and paginate on the front end. Most of the time, loading all would be a time-consuming operation, my goal is to have the first page displayed as quickly as possible. The solution I thought of is first to load some records and display them as soon as possible, in the background, the data load would continue until all are loaded. The next step is to integrate with UI-Grid and see if the approach will work. I feel refreshed after I get back from the holiday season. I hope I can keep up.

I Was Doing Research

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Coding Research Software Development Tutorial

Since the last update, I have been playing a lot of video games. I feel lost again. I will be honest, what I feel right now is a sense of trying chasing away the boredom. Since the day I finished the re-vamp of this web site, I thought I will rest for a while. Now I felt I am addicted on video games. First it was the binge of Far Cry 5. Then COD Black Ops. Finally, I decided to re-play Horizon Zero Dawn and capture it for YouTube.

Right now, I don't have any new idea on what the next tutorial will be. There are a couple enhancement I have to do for the web site. For the new project, I also have a new enhancement I have to fix. It is progressing along well. I was able to get to the point where the post can be loaded and display on the edit post page. This project of twitter replacement is not bad. Just need more work. Since I have done all the work before, this is not a hard project. Now I need to find some thing more interesting to work. Maybe I should write a tutorial of JSP project using the old approach, but with the latest Spring framework jars.

I saw the movie Bullet Train, it was awesome. I saw it on the night I was off from game playing. The movie was really refreshing. The cameos are cool; the actions are awesome; it had some really interesting ideas. Licorice Pizza is boring. The plot is funny but overall it was very boring. I used to be very big on the movies, not so much these days. I guess my attention span is getting shorter now. Anyways, I will play some more games and get back to work.

Played A Lot of Horizon Zero Dawn

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Game Play Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Rest and Recreation

My family went for a 3 day vacation at Kalahari Water Park Resort. Once arrived, checked in and had lunch. I had to watch the kids in swimming ware for 5 hours ine the afternoon of Saturday. Then another 5 hours on Sunday morning. It was pretty tiresome to walk around with bare feet, in swimming shorts, and all wet for all that time. I experience wet and cold, uncomfortable ground for the feet, and some stress of watching kids for all that time. I am so glad it was over.

The breakfast on Sunday morning was very good. I had three or four links of sausages, two pieces of ham. One bowl of cereal, some potato, and a lot of fruits. It was a breakfast buffet, so it was very nice. Afterwards, I was on the 5 hour water "fun". The breakfast really saved the day. Without it I wouldn't last that long. The dinner on the previous night was very good as well, I got gourmet burger and some fries. That breakfast was just better. Overall, the most expensive items from the trip is the food. But I am not complaining. I am over the phase that I complain about the expense after the trip. It was a good trip. I would avoid such trip because it is very hard to watch the kids under that type of environments. Going to the beach is a lot less stressful.

Before I left for vacation, I installed Outrider on my PS5, it took all morning. One of these days, I will take it out and play it for a couple hours. I took out Horizon Zero Dawn and started playing from beginning again so that I can capture the game play for YouTube. I got to the point where I have to fight might first mini-boss. Last time I started re-play this game, I felt bored because of the grinding. This time, I felt refreshed, I think I can get through it again.

FYI. I bought some drawing supplies, a pack of roller ball pen (0.5 mm) for drawing fine lines, some pencil lead, and a hi-polymer eraser. I was thinking of finally using the drawing pad and do some drawing. I just don't have the inspiration and time. I will squeeze out some. I guess I can put this as a new-year resolution item.

Just Got Back From Vacation

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Recreational Stress Vacation Water Park Wet Cold Downtime

I just finished another 3 nights of binge gaming. This time, I finished Call of Duty Black Ops (the first of the Black Ops series). I had to setup my XBox 360 console to run it. I just completed Far Cry 5. This is a break from my usual XBox One games. Black Ops is the best of all the Call of Duty games. When I first played it, it gave me a huge thrill. And this is the third time, it still has its unusual charm. It took me around 6-8 hours to complete it. It has a snappy story line, and it made sense. The game play is fast pace. At normal level it was still playable. I have enjoyed it very much even though it was the 3rd time I play through it. I am compiling the videos right now

I have missed XBox 360. The console runs with a lot of noise, caused by overheating and fan running to cool off. The DVD drive and hard disk are also contributing to the noise level. Still, the experience is really good. I don't have to wait for the game install, which is huge! The disk pops in and game runs with in a minute or so. XBox One, PS4, and later generation consoles can never beat this. The installation and the constant need to update the games taking hours, it is time wasted. Unfortunately, the way XBox 360 runs games is not the way we will go back to. I feel pretty sad about that.

I just realized that I had 15+ XBox 360 games, This year 2023, I will spend some time and play some of them. I had quite a few that I never finished. These ones will be the ones I will focus on. The one I am hesitant is Fallout 3. This game is massive and long. I want to take one last shot so that I can finish. I came very close of finishing it. I am a bit intrigued to completing it. The hesitancy comes from the fact that it took me seven years to complete Fallout New Vegas. So Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are just seemed a bit too out of reach for me. I had the goal of at least finishing the first of the three games for Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I was thinking of running the game to the end just focus on mostly the main missions and not exploring the side missions too much. We will see how much time this will cost me.

More Game Playing for the Holidays

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Game playing Old Games XBox 360

Last night, my Linux system broken again. It was caused by some bad icon set I tried to install. As soon as it happened, all the windows title bars disappeared. None of the input areas can accept inputs, the docking bar is not working. It was just really bad. I thought I had to re-install the system. I managed to use a terminal and delete the stuff I installed, then use appearance to revert the icon set used in the system. After restart the OS several time, and no improvement, I had to search the internet for solution.

It took a while to figure out. The windows manager crashed. The internet solutions recommended first clean up the session cache, basically remove everything in the directory ~/.cache/sessions. Then run the command: xfwm4 --replace. That actually fixed the issue. The issue can also be viewed on the System Reports application. Apparently, I am not the only one who had the same issue and there is a solution. This saved me from wipe everything and re-install, which is my biggest fear. Even though it looked scary, it was recoverable. This is fantastic, I learned something new.

Broken Linux System Again

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Linux System Crash System Recovery XFCE XFWM

I finished the new tutorial for CodeProject on Christmas day, included the video showing the sample application. Because of the holidays, I can work a little during the day, and save the night for video games. On Far Cry 5, I have just one main mission left to complete the game. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Not sure if I want to replay it soon.

Anyways, I am not going to finish the game right away, will wait for the weekend before new Year's day and finish it then. For the next game, I am not sure what I should play, I have Mass Effect Legendary Edition installed, and I have Far Cry 4, and Far Cry Primal. I bought Far Cry Primal because it looked like Horizon Zero Dawn. Yeah Horizon Zero Dawn is also an ideal one where I can do for the videos. Far Cry 4 is another one where I can put crazy titles and descriptions for the videos. I am currently having the kids in the free candy store syndrome. There are too much games and not enough time to play them. It is approaching the end of 2022, and once it is done I will need to get serious on getting Spare Time work done.

For the next year, I will do a lot more Angular tutorials. It is the year I am making myself an expert on Angular framework. The sample application I am working on right now. It is intended to be a job search demo to show off my skills. When it is done, it will be awesome. I think I am 1/4 complete on that. I plan to finish it in the year 2023 and use it as demo for job hunts. Once the year end is done, I will get serious and put more work on this.

A little tip

Lobster is on sale the day after Christmas. $12.95 is regular price, $8.99 is the sale price. Two lobsters cost about $21.00. And the quality is not bad.

Nothing Significant for the Past Three Days

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Christmas 2022 Holidays Recreation Relax Rest

This is an update of my recent progress. The winter cold is here. Rained two days. Then the temperature dropped to single degree. The whole family came down with COVID. Somehow I didn't catch it (tested, nothing there). But I did have itch throat for a long while. Even now I have it. I guess either I caught it earlier or I got lucky with the vaccine.

I am almost done with the new Code Project tutorial. During the writing process, I even figured out how to properly use the local variables for the form fields declared in the form. Such use was not explained in detail in the Angular official documentation. This tutorial will offer something unique to the readers. I feel very thrilled about it.

Besides this, there is not much. Two achievements. The first is that I was able to upgrade my computer to the latest of Linux Mint (21.1 Vera, released just before Christmas 2022). The upgrade took about 10 minutes (maybe just 7 minutes, don't remember). I guess I have been keeping the system updated all the time, that saved a lot of unnecessary work for the upgrade. It has been super easy to update Linux Mint. Every update took a few minutes here and there. This is the reason my upgrade was so smooth. And this time, I don't have to re-install some apps, they were still available. I also updated the web server for this site, again there is no glitches. I loved it when it is all smooth sailing.

I played a lot of XBox One, Far Cry 5. It will be completed soon. And I converted these to videos and uploaded to YouTube. Now I had consistently 10 to 30 views a day. The view count is higher when I upload new videos. This is the power of search engine and internet. As long as a person is persistent and constantly creating content, this will draw a crowd of viewers.

Making Good Progress with Tutorial

Han Sulu
Recent Updates
Keywords: Angular Code Project Gaming Linux Update OS Upgrade Tutorial Xbox One

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