This page lists all the site updates. These are short posts that describe the events in my life. These posts are frequently added here, but have less content than the blog post or the article pages. I like to post one everyday so that I can go back and check what series of changes for an extended period of time. These site updates also track the progress of various projects. Some of them might contain funny stuff, anything that can entertain the readers of these sites. Hope you enjoy them.
I will be adding two project pages. At least I am thinking of this. The first page is to list all the places I have been, traveled, visited. And how much fun each places is. I want to see how much of the world I have seen. Another possibility for this project is to list some places I like to visit later, and I want to see if I can get to these places if I try hard enough. Travel is not easy for me. And I like to visit places. And I guess I want to get comfortable with traveling.
Another project page I like to create is the game page. This seems childish. But I like it. Playing video games is an childhood obsession. Something I do not wish to give up. It is also something I want to enjoy. Even though it seems childish, I like the idea that I can keep a scoreboard, as an entertainment to myself.
For these two project pages, I will decorate them with some great icon images, and create some more style classes to make these two project pages unique.
Thinking of Adding New Project Pages
Screenshot from the video game The Outer Worlds - Posted as non profit/Fair Use
I have sold the house on 9/10/2020. On the same day, I finished the video game The Outer Worlds. I was stuck at the final battle. There was one giant robot plus four small drones. The NPC lost conscious shortly after engagement. At first, I was quick to die. It was very frustrating. That was a week ago. I waited on a day when I was well enough, and I was able to beat this last battle on 9/10/2020. It was a very happy day. The house was sold, I was able recover most of the fund (also lost a lot). Anyways, I was very happy with the outcome.
For this site, I am back to fixing some issues, I have cleaned up the page content directive for the Admin site. There were some duplicated code, which I have removed. Then I have fixed the add resource image URL issue. Finally I added an enhancement to filter the resource by type for the add resource popup. These changes are still under testing. Once they are certified I will push then for public use. At time of writing this, the code changes are still under testing.
Today (9/11), I was looking into the block chain technology Ethereum. It was very interesting. I looked through one tutorial and it looked interesting. It will be something I will check next. Right now I have to deal with Android, I need to design an application that can play wav file and record wav file, and also add some text file to the Android disk. I will need to focus on this.
I Have Completed the Game - The Outer Worlds
I finished another update for this web site. This time, it was an enhancement. I separated the list of photos and pictures from the other resources list. The reason is simple. The photos and picture I will post are my most prized images, The other images from the resource list are screenshots, and unimportant image files. When both mixed in the same list, this will make the management of both harder to do.
The solution is to separate the two. I create a new list of photos and pictures. The change is pretty simple, but involved a lot of file changes. And it created some duplicate code. I am OK with it. It was thoroughly tested. And I have put it available to the public. I am going to fix any issues later.
This labor day is kinda crazy. I brought three pieces of hardware for home improvement. One is a simple slide lock. It was an easy install, but it was ineffective. Another one to fix the snap lock on the front door, Again, it was not effective, another easy fix though. The last one is a plastic pad to prevent the door knob scratch another door. This one is the simplest to install, and it was effective. I am getting better with the home improvement. And it is getting easier with the right tools. Now I am finally believing right tools for the right job.
Completed an Enhancement to This Site
Since the last update, I have been busy. I downloaded Android Studio, and installed. Then I designed and implement the first program. This program has a button in the middle of the screen. When pressed, it plays an audio file with the extension of *.wav. It was working as last night. The next step for it, is to add the the step of saving a text file with some stuff.
I am doing this for a potential big project in the near future. It is going to be a lot of sweat and pain. Anyways, I am taking a break here. I am going to fix another issue with this site. For the Admin Site, the session timeout is set to 30 minutes. It might be too short. I will increase it to 90 minutes. There are some other enhancement I will have to do. It could be a week of work. I will save that for later.
Back to the Android stuff. At first, it was disorienting. What saved the day was my knowledge of Java and Linux. Then a lot of search of code snippet finally made it working. Linux is really a sweet OS. And if one knows enough of it, one can solve any problem.
First Android Program Worked
The problem with the AngularJS HTML editor was completed on the week 8/29/2020. Turned out the issue was small, I had to rewrite some parts of the directive, then cleaned up the code a little. Afterward, I spent a night testing the directive to make sure nothing is broken. It is done. I shelved it for now.
I found a problem with PS4 The Outer Worlds. It was a common issue (as many player reported it). Obviously there was a bug in the code. After the player reaches Level 28, and enters the city Byzantium, all the save will be corrupted. This cause a lot of headache for me. Mainly the lost progress for a few hours. I had to re-play the same over for three times. Today, I took 1 hour to set up my PSN access, then download and installed the update to the game. Now I have version 1.0.4 instead of And I played the game for a quick 10 minutes and was able to make a good save. More testing needed. Yes, I am a bit obsessed about this because such a major flaw shows this game does not deserve the release price tag of $60. If the new version still create crap save. Then this game is going to my shit pile list.
I also installed the Android Studio, in case I have to do a big project. It is no longer using Eclipse. It is now based on IntelliJ. I don't like it but there is nothing I can do. At least the SDK is pretty friendly. I was able to create a sample application in an hour. I will add more update here.
AngularJS Based Html Editor is Done
Last night, just before I sign off the AngularJS HTML editor sample application, I decided to do one more testing, adding a HTTP load and save functionalities to the sample application. That is when the hell broke loose. The load didn't work, and the save didn't work either. Crash and burned. Now I have to fix them. It is an design issue, and extensive work is needed. I will stat today, after finishing this update.
There is another thing, I ordered a set of screw driver heads, drill bits. Why? I thought I lost the old set. The new one arrived. Then someone in the house pull out my supposedly "lost" screw driver heads and drill bits. I was like "You gotta be kidding me..." Anyways, the new set is better and I will keep it. The old one, I am not sure what to do with it. Keep around as back up, then give it away when I don't need it any more. I ask myself why I need the driver heads and drill bits. I like doing small home improvement thing. Having a neat set of these can make the work easier. I am going to enjoy the new toy.
I was also researching the new ear buds. I think I am going to buy Sennheiser CX 100. My old Samsung lasted at least 5 years, And it is finally at the end of its life span...
Crashed And Burned - AngularJS Based Html Editor Needs More Work
When I wad running today, I saw a family thrown out at least $100 worth of books. In it, there is the graphic novel The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neil. Just the Volume One, not the rest of five volumes. I asked the resident if I can take it. Got the permission, and I took it. When I turned to the back and I saw the price is $14.95 USD/$24.95 CAN. Imagine the prices of the rest of the books the guy was throwing out. There were several books of the Walking Dead. I didn't care about those because they were not from Alan Moore. I wonder, why would people do such a thing, throw out money like this. This book is worth of $3.50 on Amazon when selling it as used. So it still worth of something.
What you can do with used books, you can try sell it on Amazon, or Ebay, just list it with a lower price than the lowest, some one will buy it. The hard part about this is packaging and shipping. If you don't want to go through with such trouble, donate it to Good Wills or Salvation Army. They will sell it to fund their operations. Or you can give it away to neighborhood kids or to the library, There are many ways to dispose these for a good cause. Don't recycle with the city garbage collection. Be mindful about what to do with these books.
Found a Comic Book While Running
I wrote another CodeProject tutorial in just three nights. It was for the issue I have fixed. When I misused the span and ngRepeat, all the span elements are displayed in one line, They are not re-aligned based on the width change of the page. The tutorial offers two different solutions. I was just having fun with this tutorial. The sample application takes an hour to create. Then tutorial takes about two nights to write. Short an sweet.
Today, I also fixed the handle of the cold water faucet for the shower. The handle needed a screw. I don't even know how the previous tenant lost the screw. The loose handle had a plastic cap that prevents the screw from getting out of the handle. All I had to do is take the cap off, then use a screw driver to screw the handle to the part connected to the water pipe. Since the screw is lost, the only thing I can do is find another screw for it. I found a replacement screw in my belongings. It was too long, but can be used. I used it to screw the handle back. It was loose. Then after half day passed, I found the actual screw on the driveway. This is truly weird. How did the screw got out of the handle and ended up in the dirt of the drive way? I can't imagine. Can you? I was amazed by the find. At first I doubted the screw is the right one, but decided to try it out, Turned out it was the perfect fit. Today is truly an amazing day! For the past month, I had quite a few amazing days. I am very happy about them.
Also, yesterday I received word that my house in MI has passed the valuation by the bank. The house sale will be closing soon...
Another CodeProject Article Completed
There is no much of progress update. The weekend passed without much trouble. I drove to Costco (King of Prussia), which is almost 10 miles out. The drive is fine. In fact, it was easier when it is just for me to do it alone. I can turn up the music, and have the cell phone GPS tell me how to get there. And I found all the sections where things are in Costco. Next time when I go there, it will be faster for me to buy all the things we need.
The drive back is also fun.I went through the hills. It was so green here, It was amazing. I thought Michigan had more trees, Apparently there were more trees here. Driving is not so bad. The roads are weird. But one can get used to them.
I am almost completed with the HTML Editor with AngularJS. The directive is easy to design, once I know how to create a directive. It is all the functionalities I had to fill in, which took the most of time. Then there is the format of the HTML code for the content. I also took it slow, After this site is up, and all the issues I have fixed, I have a need to get another product complete as soon as possible. I am taking it slow. I a going to enjoy other things in life. This coding thing I do is just a bonus.
I will wrap up this little project. The next one is the streaming of large files with Spring Boot. It was well implemented in this application. I need to learn how to do it proper. And perhaps I can fix the code here as well. Long way down the road...
AngularJS Based Html Editor is Almost Ready
I took a break from the AngularJS HTML editor for two days. I spent the day working on two bugs for this blog site. One is on the index page, the panel used to display the info on different part of the Admin site. And the first panel had too many characters in the description, it is screwing up the alignment of the other seven section. I deleted some of the characters. Now it should be properly aligned.
The other issue is the keywords not properly re-align. This was a very tough one, It was very difficult to reproduce. I manage to do it. Then it is the fix. Again, very difficult. I searched online, and was not able to find a true fix. And there was one. The problem is that I looked at it and didn't see the true meaning behind the solution. Then the trial of using the fix. It is hard to get it work when one didn't truly understand the fix. When I did. the fix worked just as expected. The important lesson here is, one must understand the solution before it can be applied effectively.
Two bugs are done. That brings out more issues. They are mostly cosmetic issues. I will fix them later.
Bug Fixes Again, Two Finished in a Day
Screenshot from the game. Posted under: Fair Use.
I like this game, has been playing before I left Michigan. Since the finish of this blog. I have had a little more time. So I have spent it on some video game play. As for the reusable HTML editor. It is going slowly. I am taking my time on it. The dilemma is that if I take too much time, I might abandon it.
Since the finish of this blog app, I felt a bit lost. I finished the codeproject tutorial a little too fast, I have to move fast because if I don't, I feel like was I was wasting life. The life I set 10 years ago was to keep myself busy. There is not much else to do in life. Finishing the blog application shows that my life is not a total failure. And reflected back, I accomplished a lot. Yet, can't slow down. I felt there is always something bigger I can catch. Hopefully, I will slow down at some time. But now, I still feel a bit guilty when I being idle.
Playing The Outer Worlds on PS4
I am working on another reusable component - the HTML Editor using Angular JS. The fifth tutorial article for is completed. This new one, I will take it slow. I have already implemented the component once, for this site (admin portal). This implementation is kinda cool, no where near the sophistication of the existing open source or commercial ones. So I decided to create a new one.
The new one probably won't have the same sophistication. I am only designing for my own needs. And my needs are not as much. I need a place to type in the HTML. and I need to see the preview. The host controller should be able to get the HTML content. I guess I am making a MVP. And get a sense how it will have any impact to the world. Maybe no one will be using it. Maybe it will be popular. Who knows.
A note here, I think I am stuck in a comfort zone right now. The two components I have designed/am designing is both AngularJS. After this second one, I will probably do some work with BitCoin a little and learn something about it. Hope all end well.
Working on Another Reusable Component
Yes! I just finished the fifth tutorial and sent it to It was for the warning stripe directive I have designed. It took a while. I was taking it slow, so that I would have fewer typos in the writing. Taking it slow also allow me to think what I should say, making the sentence clear. I am trying to improve my writing, still a long way to go. I still feel like I am aimlessly writing.
I bought a lawn mower and FedEx lost it in the warehouse about 8 miles from my house. Heh! I finally was able to get to Lowe's and get one today, plus some more supplies. When living in a crappy place, lots of repair is needed. The door knob under the kitchen sink needed a new screw. Got one and fixed it. Two light bulb gone out in the kitchen, replaced with two led light bulbs. The front door closer was damaged, got a new one too. Tomorrow I will install this and get the mower going. I am planning to write a blog post on how awesome my two hundred dollar phone is.
Completed Another CodeProject Submission
When I create a blog post, or an article, or an update, I choose an image to be part of the editing, and the image display would be a broken link. This is caused by the fact that I never found a way to use the same sub link to display the image in Admin Site as well as the public blog site. The image display in the posts, articles or updates for the public site is working correctly. This discrepancy is annoying to me, but before yesterday, I didn't think it is a problem.
It is a big bug of this web site. I don't know why I didn't think it was a problem. I guess I was numb after this issue was ignore for so long. Anyways, I found a brilliant way to fix it. I did it and worked OK on my local windows system. When I deployed, it failed to work. The Spring Boot firewall configuration throw an exception. First I tried reconfigure the firewall configuration to get around this. I was not happy about this. Then I tried another fix. That actually worked out perfectly, I didn't have to lower the firewall configuration to get around the issue. And this took the whole night to fix. Time well spent.
Fixed Image Download (Preview) Issue for Admin Site -
I went to the Philadelphia Zoo yesterday. And took the photo of the flamingos. The light was just right and the photo looks good. Anyways, I posted here as a souvenir.
It's been 4 days since my last update. I was busy working on the fifth codeproject submission. I need about 3 more days. This one is pretty complicated. In terms of writing, it was not the best. It is passable. Sometimes, it is very hard for me to find the words to explain certain operations, especially after a day of hard work. It was a good day for me with professional work. I fixed one bug and discovered another, it will be pretty easy to fix. Another day, successfully bring home the bacon.
Uploaded the First Photo Today. Looks Good
I decided to write another tutorial for Then re-post it here. This time I will write up the re-usable component I have done using AngularJS. Remember I mentioned the little tech-debt I have done. When I finished this Blog Site, I didn't like the way warning, error, and success messages are displayed. It was duplicated many places. I decided to make this warning display a reusable component. And I wanted learn more on how directive works. I have done it. The next step would be share it with the world.
I just started the writing. I hope the more I write, I can be better at it. Today is a stressful day. The emergency deployment took half a day. It was an app I have never done. And I had to learn it inside out within a short time, I was not very good at doing things under pressure. It turned into a nightmare scenario. I was able to get it done. I still don't like it. I spent the afternoon fixing issues with an legacy application. Another scenario I don't like (I didn't create the mess, I had to fix it). It was more exhausting because I skipped lunch. I finally recovered after dinner.
Last night, it was nice. I played a little game, a couple hours of "Shadow of Mordor" (my favorite action game). And I didn't have to think of any troubles.
Writing another CodeProject tutorial - Reusable Warning Bar